12 Mar 2013

Cauliflower Curry

This curry is quite simple to make but very flavourful and delicious.... Cauliflower known mostly for its cancer preventing qualities is also rich in dietary fibres and is also a low caloried veggie..... and capable of playing a vital role in dieting.... (unless you deep fry them for a manchurian or 65 !!!!!!!!!!) 

11 Mar 2013

Zuchinni Bread

Belated 'Women's Day' wishes to all women and especially to those in my life...... A special thanks to you dear mom and sis.... for being my strength...... as always.... :-)
I baked this bread a week before not only to have a healthy snack, but also to finish up the zuchinni he bought from the market that week.... I was surprised to see such a huge zuchinni.... It was nearly 4 kg, just one zuchinni... it was such a HUGE one.... ( I should have taken a snap of it!!!) 

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