16 Apr 2015

Tofu Masala

I've not been posting for quite sometime as life paused when we heard of the demise of one of our known friend.... Boopesh Kumar. I've known him for only a very short time, just for about four months.... but what was really shocking was the fact that I knew him right from the day he landed in this country. He came here for his studies with a lot of dreams to settle down in life and have a future ahead. As far as I know, he was a very good person.... calm, quite and soft spoken. He always kept to himself. The questions haunting me are.... 'Did life make him travel here to die?' 'Did his parents wave him at the airport at his departure here, to see him come back in a coffin?' 'Why was he saved, hospitalised, battled for life (actually for death) for five days and ultimately die?' 'Atleast if he had died on that drowning itself.... he needn't have had the prolonged suffer of pain' 'If somebody saved a person wasn't it meant that they had another chance?' My head is full of unanswerable queries.... I know it.... we all would have had such experiences.... must learn to live with it and move ahead..... 

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